Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The Cost of Compliance vs The Cost of Convenience

So now what?

Now I have to make sure stuff is where it needs to be. Meaning the locks on the right doors, and medications in the right places. Don't leave the 409 out, or the plywood in the back yard. Silly stuff.

But we've been talking about making sure to say "compliant" for awhile. It's a little annoying.
(Selfishness abounding... Laziness Abounding)

The thing is... we've been saying that we'll make sure we are "Totally" compliant once we get our license. And that seemed to be taking forever. But guess what? We basically have our license. She comes on Thursday. So now with a grateful smile (and a selfish wince) .. I'm locking our linen/meds/chemical/liquor/bullets double locked closet. And our Gun closet/store room. And putting a lock on one of Micaiahs doors to make it not be a walk through room. And putting locks on the sheds. and.. and... and... and... Yup. Silly.

But what's the cost of rebellion in the simple things? If we choose to leave a lock undone.. to minimize our inconvenience.. what is the cost. At minimum a blemish on our record.. or even the loss of our license. At most it could cost the safety of the child. A tool, a medicine, a bullet, a chemical a firearm. Yikes.

FYI: On a sidebar.. I'll say.. none of these things (except some tools) are readily accessible without at LEAST a chair or stepladder. My 3 year old can potentially reach medications if he opens a door and gets a chair. But he has been trained not to open the closet door without mom. And to ask.. before doing.. anything out of the ordinary. HOWEVER... He did find his "gummy vitamins" the other day that were NOT in the closet, let alone locked away. and I caught him taking his second of the day (I only give him one a day, the dose is 1 to 2.. so he was ok anyway).

The point is.. sometimes our rebellions don't have a direct cost. Sometimes they have a potential cost.  The definition of maturity.. is the ability to see the future affect of our current actions. Is the potential cost worth the current convenience.

For me.. the answer is a big RESOUNDING no.

This is applicable to me in so many areas of my life.

What are the future implications of my current rebellion:
- eating poorly, choosing not to exercise,
- overspending, or spending on expendable items
- white lies, justifications, omissions, deceptions, self indulging truths
- Speeding in a school zone, or anywhere for that matter

Sometimes God's laws and expectations seem merely inconvenient and not that "big" of a deal.
Until we get caught. Until it's exposed. Until it bites us, ensnares us, traps us and ultimately destroys us.

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do.
James 1:22-25

Anyone then, who sees the good he ought to do and doesn't do it.. sins.
James 4:17

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