Friday, March 11, 2016

Settling In Update

Things are going well with sweet Lil Guy.

Our rooming in went well... discharge was lengthy but easy.. and then we were home.

Otto is completely enamored and SUPER helpful. Micaiah just squeaks, pets and walks away. And covets every bottle he gets. He's barely ever taken his own bottle but now he's begging for the leftovers. Gross. :)

Lil guy was a little overwhelmed day one and had a few stretches of overly stimulated wake time, but we did better day two (Thursday). Justin came home early and learned how to bottle feed. Basically Otto showed him where everything was and how to do it :) I think it both humbled and encouraged Justin. Justin is now in charge of the midnight feeding so we can each get a 5-6 hour stretch every night. It worked great. He did awesome.

We were told by our caseworker that despite the minimum standards allowing infants under one to have their bed be a pack n play that they are saying NO. Soo.. Micaiah is moving in with Otto. He just started sleeping through the night in his crib.. and now HE is in the Pack n Play in Ottos room. I'm hoping to just shift him to Otto's bed once they learn how to fall asleep without bugging each other.

We made it to WIC on Thursday.. and the Pediatrician on Friday. We are hoping for ECI and Border Children's referrals to hit by Monday so we can start those checkups too. He'll probably have a weekly weigh in for a few months alternating between the Pediatrician, ECI and Border Children's to make sure he's Thriving. WIC made miracles happen and got us our first benefits appt tomorrow. They had been saying the wait was a month.. but moved a mountain for us since he's a foster and a preemie. THANK YOU WIC!

Lil Guy is the cutest.. tiny sweet and a good eater AND sleeper. Given that's pretty much all he's got energy for :) I still am kind of amazed at how incredibly tiny compared to my chubby boys.. but I'm getting used to it.

Thank you for all the prayers!

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