Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Infinite Love.

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This is my heart for Foster Care. and Adoption.

Left Side is our Family. Right is Bio Family. Heart is the sweet soul entrusted to us forever or just for a time. But my prayer is that the journey smooth. My prayer is that the families be connected. My prayer is the child would feel the infinite love of a foster family, bio family, and of course the God that brought us to this journey in the first place.

Some call this orphan care. As much as that could be circumstantially true, I pray that it's not. I pray that orphan care is NOT the default label. Many of these kids have families.. who need grace, and mercy and time. A second a third a 7x77th chance to get it right. It is also true that some of these kids also need the FREEDOM to be an orphan and in a safe family. But not all. I pray that I never STRIVE for the termination of parental rights first. I pray that I always have a heart for restoration and healing.

 I pray for wisdom, discretion, and discernment. For God's eyes towards the hearts of the families and the children. I pray for hope, and for the refreshment of God's Word when the task begins to be daunting.

 I pray that my bio babies see the work as Good. That they also grow with little hearts for serving and sacrificing; for practicing grace and mercy; for loving the broken and the hurting.

I pray for the case workers hearts. I pray for the factual, truthful representation of incidents and experiences. I pray that God will grant us favor in the eyes of the bio families, caseworkers, laywers and judges.

And I pray for timing. We have two short years in El Paso. God could bring us one sweet soul in that time frame, who could stay with us forever. Or many sweet souls to bless our home just for a time. I trust him with that. Justin has a full heart for adoption. I am peaceful and realistic we may not manage it in our time frame. May God grant us the courage to be willing to say hello, and willing to say goodbye. May he fill us with infinite amounts of love an infinite number of times. May the well run deep.

“I have loved you with an everlasting love;
    I have drawn you with unfailing kindness."
Jeremiah 31:3

But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord’s love is with those who fear him,and his righteousness with their children’s children—
Psalm 103:17

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