Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Oxytocin high, NICU nurses rock, and cutest baby feet ever.

Many thanks to Misty for being willing to watch my boys. I have been abusing the fact that my kids feel so very at home with her. She's become a second mother of sorts. I understand because I totally love her kids in that way too. It's a blessing to have that, and super rare for a military family. So thanks Misty..

Also Keri for being so willing to jump through hoops for us and watch our kids and foster kids as well.

On to the baby love.

Got to the NICU around 5pm last night. Had to wash and gown up. Get a security band and wind my way through what seemed to be a very crowded space of incubators and the tiniest of babes covered in wires and tubes and sweet little swaddles. Nurses were busy bees flitting from nest flower to flower checking on their sweet lil people. It was a beautiful site. Moms were gowned and snuggling their wired up littles, some trying to nurse or at least feed breastmilk. One mom brought in a bottle of like a 1/4 oz. All I could think was how hard she had worked for that, and what pure gold it would be to that baby. Which switched my brain to business.. because I am not allowed to give breastmilk to foster babies.. not even certified donor milk via a milkbank. What a shame.

I was brought to a bassinet (not an incubator, but an open bassinet. There was a crocheted blanket over top to I'm sure limit stimulation and lights. A nurse was sitting in a chair charting and I was introduced as foster mom to Baby Boy Chavez (Not really his name. but you get the idea.. He'll still be Lil Guy on here). At that point I wasn't sure if he had been given a real name.

She updated me on his history, his full name (yay.. and a great strong name). She walked me through some of the details with the moms situation that she was aware of as well as the Kin. I was still not sure if he was ever notified.

Good news was that his medical history shows he was in really great shape and really only in the NICU for respitory distress. He wasn't even born that small, they actually think he was closer to 34 or 35 weeks.. not 32.

She surprised me by saying baby is basically ready for discharge pending a carseat test, an overnight room in and the prescription he needs. I said great.. wait what? So tonight I'll be staying at the hospital.. basically to show them I can feed a baby every 3 hours. Which is significantly easier in my opinion than my to breastfeeders.. try every 1.5 hours. For an hour each feeding. And the best part is JUSTIN CAN HELP! He gets to snuggle and feed at LEAST once a night.. which means I could potentially get 6 hours of sleep at night! Assuming I go to bed at 9:30.

I got to stay for the 6pm feeding after having snuggled this tiny lil froggy baby. I wanted to cry changing his diaper.. he was saggy baggy elephant for sure. But he was super cute. and I was riding high on the oxytocin waves. I almost passed out when I left. For real. Hormones are hilarious.

At about 6:15 I hear from behind me a bunch of spanish I couldve understood if I had been listening and I overheard last name of the baby. I was facing the wall and did not see the man speaking.. but my understanding of the whole ordeal was that he was there to visit.. he did not have his security bracelet or his ID.. So they weren't letting him in.. but he knew the ID number.. wasn't that sufficient? The nurse quickly escorted the man out as I creepily stared at the wall. I was not about to introduce myself if he was still unaware of the situation with CPS. So thanks to the nurse's quick thinking he was escorted out.

I hope he comes back to visit today.

I hope he doesn't come back Wednesday AFTER discharge to find out the baby has been taken.

I hope he is told the situation and WORKS HARD to get all the details covered.

I hope he doesn't do something stupid to kill his chances.

And here's the moment you've all been waiting for. Well sort of.. this was already on Facebook. I'll post more pics tomorrow night. Obviously.. I can post face pictures.. for condfentiality purposes.. but I sure can post ears and fuzzy hair.. THE FUZZIEST! etc.

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