Sunday, March 13, 2016

Mountains Moving Already..and the financials.

We got in to WIC yesterday praise the Lord. After I told them about our situation they said it could take a few weeks for an appointment. Gulp. But that they'd try and help us out. Phew. They ended up calling back and getting me in the next day! Awesome!

Now don't get me wrong.. we can afford formula for little guy.. we are not strapped for cash to care for him... but these are resources already in place and we'd like to optimize the reimbursement we get for caring for him. By that I mean that if he DOES reunite.. I want to know that I've stewarded the reimbursement as best I can.. and send him off with as much as I can. So we don't buy lots of brand new, and we will use discounts and coupons at every turn. Sometimes I feel selfish.. or like I'm trying to make a buck. Like I'll use as little of the reimbursement as possible by taking donations, WIC etc and avoid buying things for him. I know deep down that's not true but I know the opinion is out there too. I've already heard and felt it a bit. So here's the reality of the financials in case you are wondering:

The state of Texas DFPS pays foster parents:

$23.10 per day.

As a reimbursement for care, necessities and expenses. Meaning not upfront. Meaning we are paying out of pocket until the first check arrives. So let's do the math. If Lil Guy stays for a month... we will be reimbursed:  $23.10 x 30 days= $693. That sounds like a lot!

So far our base expenses.. not including mileage, gas, childcare for my boys as I go to appointments, the night I spent in the NICU before the placement, etc.

Medicine Prescription: $52
OTC Meds: Varies but not covered by Medicaid usually
Lotion, baby wash, etc: $10
Diapers: $34 per box
Formula before WIC: $18 per can (WIC will provide 7-10 cans per month based on age. Each can currently lasts 42 feedings 8x per day. or about 5 days. so 35 days for now. He'll be eating more soon. plus waste when a bottle isn't finished)

Bottles: $25 after getting some donated too.
Rock N Play: $20. (we have a crib already.. but had to evict Micaiah to a pack n play for the time being. He'll be moving in to Otto's queen bed as soon as I can train him)

Clothing: $20 used preemie stuff. I have plenty of newborn clothes to share. If he reunites with Kin I'll send him home with 6 months of the next sizes of clothing. I'll buy new or used (not ours) and send it with him. probably $50-70.

This is all I can think of right now but that's over $200 and he's been here about 4 days :)
That is after LOTS of donations and already having a lot to share from my boys.. Including a car seat which can easily be upwards of $75 if we aren't going for the cheapest possible.

So I'm not bragging.. I'm not complaining.. I'm just being clear. I know some of you are considering fostering in the future and its important to know the details when making the decisions.

The thing our caseworkers drilled into us at PRIDE was that we are expected to provide for every need and hopefully want.  Also it is super important to set the child up for success upon reunification. I have been super encouraged by that mindset. Send them to visits prepared, peaceful and provided for. Not hungry without snacks, or sleepy without naps. As best as possible to make the visit successful..Why set up a kin or parent for failure? It would be a selfish SO SELFISH thing to do. And also a temptation. But that's fodder for a whole other post!!!

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