Tuesday, March 1, 2016

In the Beginning.

Thursday is my 31st Birthday.

Thursday we will be getting our Foster/Adopt license.

Thursday the adventure begins. Or not. Who knows.

Justin and I started our fostercare journey a few years ago when we both agreed we would be interested in adopting some day. We now in 2016 currently have our son Otto (3yrs) and Micaiah (14 mos).

Photo taken Nov 2015.. Micaiah was about 10mos.

Justin is in the Army.. which makes the whole process of adoption a little complicated when you typically move every two years .. or less. So we sort of had the whole thing on the backburner. Then we had our second child and realized.. who cares. Let's do it. We had always thought we would like to do it via the foster care system. I have a tiny fear of the whole adoption baby trafficking via adoption agencies and never felt comfortable with my abilities to research and get comfortable enough with an agency to know the motives behind the curtain (and cash register). I have NO problem with people who have gone that route... it just wasn't for us.

I also have a history working with homeless, victims of Domestic violence, and other such populations whose children (some of whom I knew at the time) were put in foster care. I've met foster parents, and case workers, and seen the system in action from the sidelines. I've even filed abuse claims via CPS in the past. So I've always thought about those kids and how tough it must be to endure the upset, the turmoil and the chaos of foster care. I've also thought a lot about the moms and dads going through the other side of that. I've seen kids go to crisis or foster care while mom goes to rehab.. multiple times. and I've seen moms slip ONCE and lose their kids over a single event. I've seen them have their kids leave with foster parents, and the broken shell of a mom leftover after the visit. And its heartbreaking. I have a heart for the parents too.

So for that reason among many others... we have been working towards our foster/adopt license since our info meeting last summer (july 2015). And here we are. March 1... and March 3 (My bday!) Our worker will be bringing over our license. So here comes the adventure. Here comes the heartache. Here comes the love. May it be infinite, eternal, heartwrenchingly passionately painfully awesome and may it point to the God who did it first, and did it best.

"to all who received Him.. to those who believed in His name.. He gave the right.. to become children of God" John 1:12

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