Friday, March 4, 2016

Licensed and Already in the Adventure!

Thursday was my birthday and our official Licensing Day! March 3, 2016. We are a foster/adopt home!  My husband was at work so I had Otto and Micaiah home with me. Our home developer J is pretty awesome so far. After signing all the paperwork and making a vague comment about being willing to do Respite and Emergency placements she was all excited and had a question for us....

Would we be willing to do a two week respite for a little boy in about two weeks.. 15 months old.. already in foster care for a few months. Fostermom has something medical to take care of. He's in daycare so I have the choice of bringing him to daycare daily and the worker will handle visits OR keep him home and do transpo to visits myself. We said YES! A perfect trial run, practice run what have you. And good timing for my potential shoulder surgery I'm dreading. I'll be able to do the respite before surgery, then do surgery and take a break before the next placement. BAM. We had our first placement set.

Then.. Today.. I get another call from J.
J: Can you clarify a few things for me?
Me: Sure
J: Would you be willing to do emergency care?
Me: Sure! I think so.
J: Would you be willing to take a baby who tested positive?
Me: Tested positive for what exactly? (Thinking HIV.. which I would have to think about)
J: So here's the situation...
Me: Ok... Lets hear it!
J: We have a baby coming into care for XYZ reasons, Preemie born at 32 wks, Still at the hospital getting care for XYZ reasons. {The term Narco Baby.. was used.. which made me want to cry... we got details on the exact situation... obviously can't share them here} The baby may be released later this week.. We would obviously love for whatever family takes the placement to go to the hospital and start the bonding process. There are family identified that would be getting visits. We'll know more after some time.
Me: Uhhhhh.... Ok
J: Obviously we want you to talk to your husband.
Me: Uhhhhhh...... Ok.
J: This would mean NOT taking the respite placement obviously.
Me: Right. Ok. So.. {Insert my telling her about my shoulder appt monday and possible surgery situation and why the timing for the respite was good.. but that I still wasn't sure and and and.. let me talk to my husband.} So we will EITHER do the respite, or the emergency placement. I can tell you which on Monday.

Oh Kay. So welcome to the rollercoaster. FOR REAL. And I thought the military life was dramatic.

I started praying real hard right then. That's actually a lie. I basically stared at a wall for about ten minutes working on the right thing to pray. I wanted to love on that sweet lonely in the hospital baby right then and there. I was unsure of Justin's reaction. I figured he would want to go with the "safe" two week respite as our first placement.

I was wrong. He said let's do it. I love that man. "I do not want to get into the habit of saying NO. This is what we wanted. Are we just going to hope for another newborn placement after surgery then run out of time? Let's do it"

We said yes to the emergency.. Assuming we hear back from our caseworker this weekend.. We will be delaying my surgery. And will probably have a preemie newborn by the end of the week. Um. Ok. Thank you Lord. Please miraculously heal whatever tweak is wrong with my shoulder. Or at least keep it at its current OKness. And please get J to call us back sooner than later. It was very anticlimactic to text her Yes to the Emergency and get NO response. I mean isn't she on call 24/7/365? Ok fine. Maybe not :)

So I'm totally ok with whatever happens. I'm totally terrible at keeping my mouth shut in the meantime. I told people I was pregnant two minutes after the stick had two stripes. I texted pictures to my sister. I can't keep news in. I'm a processor. Gah. So anyway. I WILL be discrete about details.. but man.. this is the life we chose and its only been TWO DAYS. I'm beyond thrilled. And freaked. And terrified.

You can pray for us these ways:
That J would confirm the placement
That Lil Guy would handle the transition and withdrawal easily.
That our TWO would handle the transition and withdrawal easily.
That I'll not overthink/overplan/overshop... and that I can be patient.
That my doctor on Monday will NOT say... YOU NEED SURGERY NOW.
That we can visit Lil Guy this week.. and that the boys can come too..

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