Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Full Quiver

So Justin and I have been talking.. I'm totally inundated with baby town. 4,2,1 and newborn. But it is going really well. The other day I babysat a 5, 4 and 18month old in addition to my 4 and it was so fun!!  It got me thinking. Is my quiver full? 

If you have no clue what I'm talking about then read this passage:

3Children are a heritage from the Lord,
offspring a reward from him.
4Like arrows in the hands of a warrior
are children born in one’s youth.
5Blessed is the man
whose quiver is full of them.  Psalm 127:3-5

I have had a few people in my life, amazing Godly respectable women who have referred to this verse in the sense of God's planning your family size. At what point is your quiver full? Is there a point at which you feel called to limit your family size. Some believe that God will naturally stop your child bearing and "close your womb" for you... and doing so yourself through birth control or sterilization is wrong. Others believe that at some point we just feel like our "quiver is full" and those options are now not only viable but an obedience to God's plan for our family size. It's a tricky spot. 

Here's where I'm at. I like having 4 boys. I don't feel the need to "try" for a girl. In fact I'm kind of relieved I have 4 boys. I am not a girly girl. I don't even want to deal with frills. I am not opposed to adopting a girl if a need arose, I just don't feel like I need to keep "trying" for one. Also.. I still feel like God wants foster care to be a part of our future. Sooner or later depending on how things work out... I would like to be open to placements again. At this point we are taking a break except for cases our home worker thinks would be a perfect fit or an adoption scenario. Honestly... I'm kind of ok with not adopting again unless the need is there. I would LOVE to foster again.. I want to help kids who need homes.. but most states have a maximum of 6 children in the home as their cap number. If we have more bio or foster babies we would lose our chance at fostering again. 

So when it boils down to it.. I like having 4 boys.. and 2 open spots for potential future foster babies. Then again... I will NOT say no if a child needs a home and adoption is an option. 

My friend Melani.. who has been tremendous encouragement to my heart and vision for orphan care.. told me just the other day.. not for the first time.. but the first time my heart "got it".... that SHE would never say no to a placement.. if CPS or the agency said no.. then fine.. but she couldn't say no to a child who needs a home.  I admire her dedication to that.. and she's obviously lived it out. 

Pray for us as we think through timing on accepting placements again, and if our quiver is full.. 

Pray that more and more homes would open to foster and adopting these kiddos. 

Pray that we can spur each other on to sacrifice and service to the "least" of these.. to the orphans and the widows. 

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