Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Emails, Mediations, and other ramblings at 10pm.

Today I created a new email account for Lilguy. My intention is to send pictures to it for him.. and notes. But also to use it as a conduit for his bio fam to be able to contact him. If you have met, and fallen in love with our lil guy as much as we have, and you'd like to send him a note for his upcoming birthday.. I would love to share the email address with you. I know so many of you have poured your hearts out to him this past year, and it has blessed him immensely. What a treasure it would be for him to look back at his first .. and hopefully only... year in foster care to see all the people who have enjoyed, and cared for him.

Tomorrow I get to see Lilguy's lawyer. She hasn't managed to see him since he was just barely a week home with us. I'm sort of embarrassed that he'll be a total wreck since he's managed to have another flare up and is teething so he's coughing and hacking. Though honestly I've gotten used to it. I'm hoping to find a more natural way to kick the cough other than a dose of prednisone. Anyone have suggestions? Once we kick the wheeze it all tends to pass. Sorry.. side bar. It's late. 

We all endured the plague this week. The flu was a mess for all of us. Only Abe and Otto have escaped unscathed thus far.. though Otto has been a wee dramatic about the whole ordeal and now assumes every waking minute is for netflix. Thank you netflix for babysitting my children. Can't you learn to hold a bottle? or lactate too? Maybe some day. 

Ok.. back to reality.

The lawyer comes tomorrow.. because the mediation hearing is friday! Our CASA will be visiting within the week too. I don't know the details of what is happening at the mediation other than I know that its purpose is to expediate the termination and/or relinquishment of rights hearing that will be on January 27. So that's awesome. I'm hoping to dig up more details from the lawyer tomorrow. Hopefully she will see how settled and peaceful.. and clingy.. Lil Guy has become. He's truly at home here. It's all he's ever known! 

So in about two weeks we will have a definitive answer but the likelihood is TPR and Legally Free for Adoption with our family as the primary suggestion! Everyone keeps asking us if we are still willing.. like with Abe here now we changed our minds? 

Well.. we haven't. We are obviously willing, and thrilled for the chance to adopt.

Some days I consider getting respite care for him.. like when we all had the flu and I could barely stand let alone hold the monster long enough to feed him a bottle.. but then God reminds me I don't get respite care for my biological kids.. why should I feel like I can pass LG off to essentially strangers for my own convenience as well? We have plenty of folks who have offered to take a shift with the boys to help. and we almost took them up on it. But we managed. God was very VERY kind in allowing justin's quick recovery.. and sparing Otto and Abe from it. 

As we speak LG's waking up in his crib.. not surprising since his cough is keeping him up, and he wouldn't drink his bedtime bottle. Pray he'll take one and sleep through the night. We all need a solid nights rest. Free from fevers, chills, boogers and bottles. Yeah right. :)

Love you all. 

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