Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Getting Closer to Lil Guy's Adoption

We still don't have an official date yet. But we are 99% sure Lil Guy's adoption will be the end of this month. Meanwhile on the farm....

-Biomom died last month of what we assume is an OD. So Incredibly Sad. So hard to process.
-Uncle and I have communicated once or twice.. I am hoping for a relationship to happen there.. slowly and cautiously.
- We are buying a house and staying in the El Paso Area. Which is kind of nuts. But thrilling.
-Justin is exiting the military.. it has been a long road but God is kind in it all.
- And I am looking for income sources to help us through the gaps. So I'm dabbling with ideas in all sorts of areas. I'll get to that in another post.. but it's weird to think about working again.

I'm super excited to get to Lil Guy's adoption date.. and be done with CPS for awhile. Due to our move our foster home will close and if we want to pursue adoption in the future it will be through the state of New Mexico.. since our address will be Anthony, NM. It is PERFECT timing. I'll still try to blog and may shift gears a bit in topics but we WILL open our home to kids again some day. I think with our littles being so LITTLE I am at my end point of energy and focus.. I would like to get our home, work, education worlds set and settled in our new place.. and in a few years once our house is up to code again we can pursue foster care.

In the meantime.. I think I want to write. I know I'm not an awesome writer. I know I'm not a perfect parent. But I love to share insight and advice with other mamas. I like to synthesize all the various ways moms get things done and help people find solutions and ideas to what THEY struggle with day to day in the world of babies and toddlers and kiddos and husbands and cleaning etc. Most of the time I get ideas that sound great and they never get long term implemented. Or I realize afterwards JUST how labor intensive that chore chart is with a 2 year old. Or how obnoxious the 15 minute potty timer really is.

Essentially, I'm a very practical, realistic and LAZY mom when it comes to prioritizing my minute to minute life. And I think I want to write about what really works. What I see others do that works for them. And find out what realistic parenting is. When Pinterest fades and the rubber ducky meets the road. Cuz most of the time.. our expectations get tossed with a new phase, development, shift, time change, sickness etc.

I want to know what things pass the test of time and change.. I have a few that have made it through the years. I think they might be fun to share. I wish I had known them before I had kids. Unfortunately you can't always big brother style watch people in their homes to TRULY see what works, rather than what's pinned and shared at the start.

Who knows maybe tomorrow my whim will shift. Most likely in fact. If you have any thoughts, ideas or "I wish I knew abouts" I'd love to hear them. I'd love to figure out what people really want to know.

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