Thursday, July 7, 2016

Updates and Vacations.

I  hate bloggers who apologize for not blogging often enough. So this is me not apologizing. I am a tad busy. I'd rather spend my time with my kids (and/or netflix binging when they are napping) rather than blogging. Plus there really hasn't been much to say. Until Now

Lil Guy is hitting 4.5 months. He's Super adorable, has the best double dimples. He's starting to giggle, play with toys, smile a ton, and just today rolled front to back and is nearly back to front. He goes in waves where I start worrying about developmental delays and than surges ahead and blows us way. So for the most part we are all clear on delays. We are technically doing ECI twice a month but even they have said he's actually hit all the milestones they were worried about so for now its just for funsies and to keep tabs.

We are still having reflux/pukey baby issues but the formula switch diminished that some. Then we had another wheezy/cough bout that stuck us with another potential formula switch that went very poorly so we are back to the stuff that was working well and now we are basically treating for asthma daily. Seems a bit much but he does a lot better when he's on it all and doesn't seem to react to allergens as much. So thats good. Its scary to hear wheezy babies.

My brother in law has been in town for two weeks keeping the big boys busy.. but unfortunately sounds like he'll be leaving with the cold/cough that got the rest of us last week.

We all went on a 7 day trip together to Ruidoso, NM and Pinetop AZ. It was a blast. Lil Guy did great.. the big boys are still recuperating. I'm still fighting a head cold. And I'm feeling VERY pregnant already. Hitting 21ish weeks ( I think?). It's a boy in case you missed it. Due Mid November. Justin will be in the field for a month mid oct-mid nov so my mom and sister are coming out to hold down the fort for the home birth. It should be awesome. I think my mom is excited to be at the birth. She hasn't been able to "attend" or even be within the same state for any grandbabies yet so this is exciting.

Lil Guy Case Update:
We are still doing two hour visits twice a week. As is typical.. Uncle has no showed multiple times and is late almost every time for no apparent reason. Lil Guy's case worker was going to suggest lowering it to once a week. That hasn't happened yet. Apparently we are still waiting on uncle to get a risk assessment and home study.. all of which include some specific concerns.

The biggest event happened last week which was basically a VERY stupid mistake on uncle's part. It has been spiraling into more complications for him as he is refusing to comply with some requirements and now threatening to "lawyer up". Not really sure what he's lawyering up against. IF he was smart.. I think he would just jump through their hoops, do EVERYTHING he can to play the game and move it along.. But instead he's feeling persecuted due to his past (a past which he did not fully disclose) and is now on the defensive. Unfortunately  I think in the end it is going to hurt him more than the initial mistake.

I'm still pretty peaceful either way but losing my resolve  on the "benefit of the doubt" as things are coming out. Luckily.. praise God actually.. Lil Guy's case worker has a pretty good head on her shoulders and sees things pretty clearly. She's a good combo of tough without overreacting so hopefully she can filter through it all and make a good choice. I trust her. I trust God put her on the case.

We love this little guy with our whole hearts. We want the best for Him. We are obviously biased and think that's us.. but you know.. my kids aren't perfect, I'm not perfect. I yell, I cry, I lie, I fall apart. I am not oblivious to my sinful nature. I know our house isn't heaven either. So I'm just resting it all in God's hands and enjoying the time I've got with Lil Guy.

1 comment:

  1. It always sounds to me like you guys are doing a great job and are a true blessing to the little guy. I am so excited to be with you all for the birth and can't wait to see everyone.
