Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Lil Guy is Walking.. and it's kind of epic.

I hate the crawling phase.


Dirty hands, frustrated babies, scraped knees and feet, more fits and fights than anything I've ever experienced. It's obnoxious. And Lil Guy has outlasted all my others in his non-walking endeavors.

Until NOW.

He can still only Frankenstein for about 6 steps tops but he is SOOOOOO happy about it!

And So am I.

Now I can carry Abe in one arm and "toddle" Lil Guy to the car.
He can get from place to place with his milk/toy/paci and not scream when he wants to come to me with them. He can bring them himself!!

He can keep up with the boys and keep his HANDS off the floor, his KNEES off the concrete and his sweet little toenails won't be all chopped up.

Also.. we get to celebrate. Because this was the final milestone to show us that Lil Guy... despite his rough preemie start.. his drug exposure.. his consistent delays... is RIGHT ON TRACK. He is 14 months.. and walking independently. It seems like he was late because my other boys started around 10 months.. but we are assured he may be at the end of the range but that everything seems to show he is right on target in all areas. AND THIS IS A MIRACLE.

I will still keep an eye out for sensory issues, and emotion control issues.. those seem to crop up later in exposed babies.. but for now we are praising, and delighting in how much protection God had over him..

Technically I can't share his name via blog until next month.. but I'll just say he's named after a certain someone who survived a certain biblical lion's den.

And the name couldn't fit him any better. He was literally in a lion's den in the womb. With angry lions (drug exposure, violence, alcohol, cigarettes etc) all around him.. and God protected him. He had zero signs of withdrawal.. and only Preemie related lung issues.. which now that he has weaned off formula to whole milk.. most of the asthma has resolved.

So we are so proud, and so thrilled and sooooo excited to see how he continues to thrive.

Love covers all sins. God saves. God protects. God has good for us. Believe it.

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