Tuesday, February 28, 2017

30 days later.

Yesterday was February 27... a month from the day of official TPR. A month from the last time Lil Guy may ever see his biomom. Though I pray that's not the case. A month from the first time I ever laid eyes on his sweet momma. A month from the time my heart broke.

Lil Guy is now "legally free",  a ward of the state. An orphan.

We are working with lawyers to get the adoption processed and scheduled. The earliest we can schedule it is 90 days from TPR date.. Essentially end of May. So that's where we're at.

Meanwhile.. we are discussing if and to what we could/might/probably won't change his  name.
And how nice it will be to be in control of his healthcare, change him to the same pediatrician as the big boys. It would be nice to get a better non medicated handle on his "asthma". It will be nice to be off medicaid/wic though that was a blessing and not as much of a curse as I expected.

 Lil Guy turned 1 last week too. In the midst of it all it was sort of a sweet moment for us to celebrate his 1st birthday, and his first birthday WITH us. You know what I mean :) We didn't go crazy.. We are pretty low key with birthdays in our house.. especially when kiddos are little. I don't honestly think I even got a good photo.. Though the above pic without the glasses and crazy nose was a good one. And a great smile. If you cross your eyes you can almost see his sweet face.. But don't tell me its easy because then I'll have to take it down. I can't wait to share some good face photos once he's a legit Herbe. I appreciate all those who are against posting photos of their kids. I'm not one of them :) Sorry boys.

Love you all. Thank you for your prayers for us. We've gotten it easy and have seen such favor. I give credit only to God and all your sweet praying hearts. So thank you!!

Keep praying for Lil Guy as he moves out of the system and into our family. Pray for Biomom. Pray for me with all 4. It's a long hard day of refereeing and bodily functions some times.

I'll be posting soon on our experience with licensing. Holy Cow that was stressful.

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